A Survey on Interference Mitigation for Wireless Body Area Networks
Interference mitigation, Wireless body area network, IEEE 802.15.6, Power control, Learning, Game theory, OptimizationAbstract
Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are noteworthy, dependable, and most advantageous development in many health directed applications. WBANs in health system connect tiny sensors to invasive or non-invasive medical equipment for patient examinations utilizing low power wireless technology. When WBANs are utilized in crowded areas or in conjunction with other wireless sensor networks, communication interference can arise. This can lead to unstable signal integrity, which can impair system performance. Thus, interference mitigation needs to be taken into account when designing. In this paper we survey interference mitigation methods used in WBANs, classify them, and finally point to some future research directions in this area. In particular, we start by reviewing sample papers that tackle the interference management problem through classical signal processing and shaping methods. Then we review some works on cooperative communications approaches to encounter this problem. After that we consider approaches that are not centralized through the use of game theoretic formulations. We close our discussion by surveying model free algorithm through learning based approaches.
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