Effects of Compaction State and Position of the Cold Joints on the Flexural Capacity of RC Beams
Cold joint, Compaction Process, Position, Flexural StrengthAbstract
Cold joints are necessary stops in the concrete placement process since pouring concrete in one continuous operation in many structures is impossible. The strength of the formwork and the batching and mixing capacities determine how much concrete can be placed at once. A well-made construction joint should have sufficient shear and flexural continuity across the interface. In this study, the effect of the position of cold joints and the compaction state of the first concrete layer on the flexural strength of reinforced concrete is experimentally investigated. Five beam specimens with dimensions of 160×100×1200 mm were tested. The variables investigated are the position of the cold joints (which were placed horizontally at compression fiber and tension fiber of the beams), and whether the first poured concrete layer is compacted or just left uncompacted until the second pour is placed To study the effect of the cold joint and compaction process on the ultimate load. The research results indicated that the ultimate load, ultimate deflection, ductility, and toughness were all reduced due to such cold joints. These behavior indices were primarily dependent on the location of the cold joint and compacted first layer. The compaction of the first layer and the location of the cold joint has a significant effect on the load-carrying capacity and the corresponding deflection of the tested beams, the decrease in ultimate load, ultimate deflection, ductility, and toughness for the beam, which was compacted, and placed horizontally at tension fiber were 13.78%, 34.95%, 32.1%, and 84.04% respectively. In contrast, for the beam which was uncompacted first layer, the decrease was 31.35%, 29.52%, 31.6%, and 61.03%. The decrease in ultimate load, ultimate deflection, ductility, and toughness for beams which was compacted and placed horizontally at compression fiber were 15.50%, 37.95%, 35.1%, and 85.575%, respectively, while for beam which was uncompacted first layer, the decrease was 40.91%, 43.76%,33.9%, and 72.7% respectively.
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